Easy to implement tips for social media

So many social media platforms, so much content being shared.  How does a small business know where to start?  Here are top 10 easy to implement tips to consider, when posting on social media.

  1. We all know there are a plethora of social platforms. It is unrealistic to feature on multi-platforms. Smaller businesses, just select one to three – then be active on those regularly
  2. Understand the basic differences in social platforms and their formats before jumping in. For example, LinkedIn is a professional network and relates to work, business, recruitment etc. Instagram is a social media app focusing on sharing visual content such as photos and videos.
  3. Analyse your target audience and target markets? Who are they and what social media platforms are they likely to be most active on? That will help your choice of where you should be
  4. Create a conversation with your audience. Ask questions, respond to their answers. Provide value in the content you are sharing. You can create polls, canvas opinion and conduct a little market research with your audience
  5. Manage your time more effectively, while still being active and visible. Schedule posts in advance, creating a number at the same time and release over the next week or month. Leave time for spontaneous posts – there are always opportunities popping up to share great content
  6. Tap into local, global, economic, marketplace or seasonal appropriate days (weeks or months) or events. Tie some of your messages to align with those days. For example, a healthy living business might have a message that would tailor to Vegan January.
  7. Most platforms, love video. Be brave and create video content.  You can work with specialists in video and digital production to create professional, high quality brand videos.  Budget doesn’t allow? Then mobile phones have incredible technology. Invest in non-expensive phone mounts or stands and some simple lighting can have a positive impact on the quality of video produced
  8. Consider adding text subtitles to your video content, as many people view video with the sound off
  9. Understand and test out the basics of a platform and then have a bit of fun, be creative. Try out some of the additional features such as stories, reels, messaging and advertising
  10. Finally, ‘done’ is better than ‘perfect’. We can sometimes over think what we would like to say or be so passionate about creating fantastic content – that we procrastinate and then post nothing.  While it is important to consider the brand messaging, values and look professional…. sometimes it can be advantageous to just get the content out there.  Test ideas, track engagement, refine and go again.

Fiona Melvin-Farr